Monday, March 30, 2015

Training recap week of 3/23 (Pixie Dust Challenge Week 12)

Another week of training done and we are officially 2/3 of the way to the Pixie Dust Challenge! Only 6 weeks to go -  get excited!

This week took a slight down turn in mileage as I was fighting a bit of cold early in the week.  I never got fully sick, thankfully, but it did kill my energy levels.  I didn't do my speedwork on Wednesday and just did an easy run.  Although, won't lie, there was part of me that still wanted to do it, but I knew that it would just delay my recovery.  I was feeling better by the weekend for my long run, so that was good!

Got in a solid amount of cross training and strength workouts, so that was good.    

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest
Cross Training: Total Body Cardio Fix (21 Day Fix) 

Scheduled: 5 miles easy
Actual: 4.58 mi, 46:01, 10:03 pace
Cross Training: Upper Fix (21 Day Fix)  

Scheduled: Speedwork - 3 x 1 mile @ Half Marathon Pace, 90 second recovery (plus warm up and cool down)
Total miles: 3.01 mi, 30:02, 9:59 pace 

Scheduled: 5 miles easy
Actual: 5.51 mi, 54:37, 9:55 pace
Cross Training: Lower Fix (21 Day Fix) 

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest
Cross Training: Pilates Fix (21 Day Fix) 

Scheduled: 12 miles long run pace
Actual: 12.02 mi, 1:54:22, 9:31 pace 

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest
Cross Training: Cardio Fix (21 Day Fix) 

Total miles: 25.11
Total March miles: 97.86
Miles until goal (1,250): 986.37
Cross Training: 5/4