Saturday, May 3, 2014

Whole Life Challenge

I have not been so good this winter.  I don't know what it was, but I just decided it was okay to eat crappy all winter.  But now that it's getting warmer (I think... hopefully) and with marathon training in full swing, I've decided to get serious.

To that end, I've joined the Whole Life Challenge with some friends.  The main portion of it is around the diet.  There are 3 levels you can commit too.  I am doing the beginner, which has the least amount of restrictions.  You start with 5 points every day and then lose a point every time you eat a 'No' food.  Once you get to zero, it stops (you can't get negative).  I think having to be accountable and having my friends to see how I am doing will help me be better about my eating habits.

You can also earn points for doing other items - working out, stretching, taking vitamins and participating in the lifestyle challenges.  Obviously, the working out portion isn't an issue, but I think working towards the stretching points will be helpful.  I definitely slack on stretching, so this will be good.

I know it'll be a challenge, but one I am excited about as summer inches closer.

Anyone else participating in the Whole Life Challenge?

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