Monday, February 2, 2015

Training recap week of 1/26 (Pixie Dust Challenge Week 4)

Happy Monday!  Did you all have good weekends?  Mine was incredibly productive - solid running, took a Refine class, cleaned (including laundry) and did meal prep for the week.  It felt so good to be productive - but I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off, it was a relaxed productivity which I like even better!

Who watched the Super Bowl?  I did... but mainly for the commercials.  Neither team is my team (honestly, I'm not a big football fan in general), but I was rooting for Seattle.  You know what I was a fan of?  The half time show.  I love Katy Perry and I thought it was a great show.

Anyway, this weeks workouts went well.  I got all my runs in despite snow on Tuesday and some freezing temperatures on Saturday.  Haven't really started to ramp my mileage up yet, but this week's schedule called for my first tempo run (starting slow, just 3 miles plus warmup/cooldown).  Honestly, I had no idea how this would go, so figured if I could keep them at 9:00/pace, I'd be happy.  My 3 miles ended up faster than 9:00/pace and the average for the whole run was 9:00/pace.

I was pretty happy with that until Thursday, when my easy run felt horrible. My legs felt like bricks and it was pretty slow.  Win some, lose some, right?

I also got my 4 cross training workouts in.  I think I can actually see some abs coming in!

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest
Cross training: Love Your Legs and Booty (Tone It Up)

Scheduled: 3 miles easy
Actual: 3.05 miles, 29:01, 9:31 pace
Cross training: Summer Arms (Beach Babe 1 DVD) and 3 Moves for a Sexy Upper Back (Tone It Up)

Scheduled: 5 miles total, 3 miles tempo pace
Actual: 5.06 miles total, 45:25, 8:58 pace
Tempo Paces: 9:07, 8:24, 8:01

Scheduled: 3 miles easy
Actual: 3.00 miles, 31:41, 10:33 pace

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest
Cross training: Tone It Up in 30:00 Workout (Tone It Up)

Scheduled: 8 mile long run
Actual: 8.00 miles, 1:17:48, 9:43 pace

Scheduled: Rest (Cross Training)
Actual: Rest
Cross training: Refine Method class

Total miles: 19.12
Total January miles: 77.04
Miles until goal (1,250): 1,172.96
Cross Training: 4/4

How did your workouts go this week?  


  1. I don't know how you run in the snow and freezing temps. I think it's too cold when it drops below 55. ;)

    1. It's definitely been proving to be a challenge this winter - but I hate the treadmill so much I won't run otherwise. So outside it is!

  2. Sounds like you were very productive! I was productive this week working around the house! No workouts for me until after my Dr. appointment!

  3. Great job this week! I sort of watched the Superbowl...but mainly to see the Halftime show! :)

    1. Thanks! The Halftime show is the most important part obviously :)
