Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Training Recap week of 7/3

Can all weeks be 3 day work weeks? My office was closed both Monday and Tuesday for the July 4th holiday and it was so nice! Let's all band together to make 4 day weekends a permanent thing.

This week is week 6 in Wineglass training. Meaning I am 1/3 of the way through this marathon training cycle. Holy cow! This week in training went pretty well. I was able to get all my workouts in and felt great on my long run! Bring on week 7!

Currently training for:
  • Disneyland Half Marathon
  • Wineglass Marathon

Scheduled: Cross Training
Actual: Rest

Even though I was off of work and had plenty of time to get a cross training session in... a little too much fun with friends on Sunday night meant I was out of commission on Monday.

Scheduled: 6 miles easy
Actual: 6.02 mi, 57:44, 9:35 pace

Scheduled: 4 mile tempo run, plus warm up and cool down
Actual: 7.01 mi total
Paces: 8:10, 8:11, 8:20, 8:08

This is one of those workouts that is helping me to be realistic about BQ'ing at Wineglass. Realistically, this pace for 4 miles should be easy (after all, this is about where I should run the entire marathon at). Yet, it was hard. I was pushing the entire time and felt dead afterwards.

Scheduled: 6 mile fartlek (6 x 90 sec 5K pace)
Actual: 5.13 mi, 49:33, 9:40 pace

My legs felt completely trashed after the tempo on Wednesday, so I ended up running this easy. I also thought it was only 5 miles, not 6!

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest

Scheduled: 14 mile long run
Actual: 14.01 mi, 2:16:45, 9:46 pace

Felt good on this long run until the last mile when it got a little harder (and hotter!). This was the longest I've run since Route 66 in November 2015!

Scheduled: 3 miles easy
Actual: 3.01 mi, 29:25, 9:47 pace

Total Miles: 35.17
Total July Miles: 50.97
Miles to Goal (1,270): 576.48 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mid-Year Check In

Sooooo.... a solid 5 month break without a post. Ugh. I am so not doing good about getting back into the swing of regular blogging.

I really have no excuse for not blogging February and March; I was around and has time. I cannot say the same for April through June. It was non stop travel during those time periods. I took 12 trips between mid-April to the end of June! There was one portion that involved 12 (one way) flights during a 38 day period. Ooof. It was a lot.

Some of it was planned, but most was not. I had some work travel come up that was unexpected and some family stuff going on. My grandfather has not been doing well, so I ended up going last minute to Chicago for Easter (which I am so glad I did). Sadly, he passed away at the beginning of June (one of the unexpected trips).

But now, things should (or better be!) calming down. I don't have many trips planned until Labor Day except a weekend trip to PA to sit by the pool. That one I can handle. 😀

Since it is the middle of 2017 already (am I the only one who has no idea how that happened???), let's take a quick check in on my 2017 goals. You can see my original post for more details on each item.

  1. Run 1,270 miles in 2017. I am right on track with this one! As of 6/30, I had run 642.55 miles. Slightly ahead of 50%!
  2. Tackle 5 states in 2017. Sadly, it doesn't look like 5 will happen this year. I have 3 planned, but don't think it will be possible to get 2 additional ones done.
  3. Run 2 marathons. This is most likely not going to happen. I made the decision to not run a spring marathon - and it was definitely the right decision for me. My body was not ready to jump that headfirst into training and I know its better for me to listen to my body. 
  4. And the big one - qualify for the Boston Marathon. This is still on my list, but I'm being realistic that it might not happen this year. It is taking me longer than I would like to get my speed back and I need to be honest about where I am. I will one day qualify!
This is also probably a good time to update you on my fall marathon plans. If you remember from this original post, I had planned to run Chicago (I had a time based guaranteed entry). Well, one of my best friends got engaged (yay!) and asked me to be in her wedding (of course!), but the wedding is on the same weekend of Chicago. So no Chicago this year. Instead, I am going to be running the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, NY.

And now for some other goals (blog-wise and life wise):
  1. Get back to blogging regularly. Clearly, I failed at this one. Hopefully I can get better in the second half.
  2. Work on eating clean as much as possible. I am doing okay on this one. I have good days and bad days, but trying to be better at it.
  3. Cross train more often. I've done pretty good here too. I've been trying new workouts to find some additional ones I like and can add into the rotation. I did PureBarre in the beginning of the year (not my favorite) and discovered Barry's Bootcamp (love!).
  4. Travel more. I am definitely exceeding this one. I probably traveled a bit too much this past spring.
  5. Downsize my stuff. I have done pretty good one this. I've already taken several large bags of stuff to good will and have more in my apartment waiting to go. I need to be a little more strict on my "1 in, 2 out" policy, but I'm trying and that's all I can really do!
So this was just a little bit of an update on what I've been doing. Looking forward to getting back to a regular routine; not just in blogging, but in my normal life. So much travel makes it hard to get into any kind of regular routine.

I'll be back soon this week with a training recap - I'm just finished week 6 of Wineglass Training!

Friday, February 10, 2017

50 States Challenge: Year 4 Recap

My birthday was at the end of January, so that means we are due for a 50 States Challenge recap! I honestly cannot believe I am 4 years into this challenge.

This year was a down year in the challenge for me, but with my surgery I knew this would be the case. Considering I didn't do any races for 4 months, I'm pretty please I was able to get 3 states done!

My states for 2016 were:

- Michigan: Detroit Half Marathon
- Nevada: Rock n Roll Las Vegas Half
- Delaware: Rehoboth Beach Half Marathon

These 3 states brought my total up to 27 states (54% completed).

I am gearing up for 2017 and my goal of getting 5 states done. I haven't signed up for anything yet, but I have two races/states planned for already. Those two states are:

- West Virginia (Marshall University Half Marathon in November)
- Arizona (Tucson Half Marathon in December)

I am excited for the one in Arizona, not only to be in warm weather when it's cold here in NYC, but because I'll be visiting my cousin while I am there (her and her husband live there). I always love when I can combine a race with a visit to someone I love.

I have a couple of other races in mind - 1 (possibly 2) in April and 1 (possibly 2) in May. It's just about finalizing plans now. So basically, between April and May, I'll get 3 states done!

I am always looking for races in states I haven't done yet, so if you have any suggestions, please share!

And of course, my updated map!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Training recap week of 1/30

Another week of training for Princess in the books! And even though I missed some runs this week, the runs I had went really well! Sometimes, it's all about the small victories.

We are less then 3 weeks to Princess and I am getting very excited. Not just for warmer weather (and it better be warm, do you hear me Central Florida?), but for a few days away. I like to have trips scheduled in the winter to break up the cold and grey weather.

Currently training for:
  • Enchanted 10K
  • Princess Half
  • Star Wars Dark Side 10K
  • Star Wars Dark Side Half

Scheduled: Rest or Cross Training
Actual: Pure Barre

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: Rest

One of my best friends who lives in Philly was in town and we met up for dinner.

Scheduled: Speedwork - 1 mi 20-30 seconds under GHMP, 15 minutes tempo (10 sec over GHMP), 800m hard plus WU and CD
Actual: 6.0 mi, 58:26
Paces: {Mile} 8:15, {Tempo} 8:50, 8:55, {800m} 7:15

This was a weird workout. It seemed an odd combination of distances and paces, but I am sure it had a purpose. I am please with my times though - right were they should be!

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: 5.14 mi, 46:20, 9:00 pace

I ran this one with the Oiselle Volee during Flight Club. It was a little faster then I would have run an easy one, but it still felt good!

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest

Scheduled: 8 miles easy
Actual: Rest

I was supposed to do my long run this day, but I woke up with an upset stomach. It just felt off all day, so I mostly slept and pushed my long run until Sunday.

Scheduled: 3-6 mile easy
Actual: 8.02 mi, 1:16:02, 9:29 pace

My long run today felt really good. The pace was comfortable and I felt strong the entire time.

Total Miles: 19.16
Total January Miles: 92.96
Total February Miles: 19.16
Miles to Goal (1,270): 1,157.88 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Goals: January/February

Is it just me or did this month just fly by? It was a crazy month, with lots going on. However, January over means one month closer to summer.

I think I did pretty good on my goals this month! Didn't accomplish all, but did pretty good.
  1. Run 100 total miles (B+). I ended up with just under 97 miles. This is my highest mileage in a long time, so that is good! If the Disney Half hadn't been canceled, I would have been well past 100.
  2. Sleep a minimum of 7+ hours a night (A). I did really good on this one. According to my FitBit, there were only 4 nights in January were I didn't get 7+ hours of sleep.
  3. Focus on following a meal plan and not eating junk (B-). Eh, I didn't do great on this one. I did meal plan each week, but also had a lot of nights out with unhealthy food. Win some, lose some.
  4. Cross train at least 4x a week (C). Did not do good with this one. There was only 1 week this month in which I accomplished this.
  5. Take 2 bags of stuff to Goodwill (A). I took two full bags of stuff to Goodwill! And I also have another bag half full. 
 Now onto February goals!
  1. Run 100 total miles. Same as last month. I don't think this will be a problem, but you never know.
  2. Drink 70+ oz of water daily. For a long time, I was really good at drinking enough water each day. But the past couple of months I have not been drinking enough (at all). And I can tell the difference. My goal is to get back on track with this.
  3. Make smart choices with food. This is a tough month with a lot going on, so I want to focus on making smart/healthy choices.
  4. Cross train 4x a week. Want to focus on this. I know cross training will only help my running, so it's important I get back to it.
  5. Take 1 bag to Goodwill. I already have half a bag of stuff and with my "1 in, 2 out" policy, I should be able to finish filling it. 
What are some of your goals for February?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Training recap week of 1/23

If I had to describe this week in training in any way, it's be okay. My runs went okay. I did okay getting most of my workouts in. I did not do great in terms of cross training, but I did go to a Pure Barre class, so that was good.

What was good about this week was I got another set of back to back runs in and my legs felt much better this time around vs. last time. Also good, one more week of winter is behind us 😃 Can you tell I am over winter?

Currently training for:
  • Enchanted 10K
  • Princess Half
  • Star Wars Dark Side 10K
  • Star Wars Dark Side Half

Scheduled: Rest or Cross Training
Actual: Pure Barre

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: 4.4 miles, 40:07, 10:03

Scheduled: Speedwork - 2 miles (1 above goal HMP, 1 below goal HMP) x 2 (with a 3 minute rest in between), plus WU and CD
Actual: 6.11 mi, 56:48
Paces: {First set} 8:54, 8:34; {Second set} 8:34, 8:52

The first set was tough, but for some reason the second set was easier.

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: Rest

I had a work function this night, so no run for me. I tried to set my alarm to run something pre-work, but my bed was too warm and it was too cold outside for me to get up.

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest

Scheduled: 4 miles easy
Actual: 4.0 mi, 40:17, 10:04 pace

Scheduled: 11 mile long run
Actual: 11.0 mi, 1:45:41, 9:36 pace

Not my best week, but not my worst week!

Total Miles: 25.18
Total January Miles: 92.96
Miles to Goal (1,270): 1,177.04 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Training recap week of 1/16

This week was pretty good in terms of training. Got all my runs in and felt strong on them. I also took my first Pure Barre class. Gilt City had a really good deal on class packages so I figured it was a good time to try it. The classes were more then half off - a great deal! This way I can try the classes and if I don't like them at least they were a deal.

Currently training for:
  • Enchanted 10K
  • Princess Half
  • Star Wars Dark Side 10K
  • Star Wars Dark Side Half

Scheduled: Rest or Cross Training
Actual: Pure Barre

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: 4.5 miles, 43:35, 9:41
Cross Training: TIU K+K HIIT and Abs

Scheduled: Speedwork - 8 x 800m at HMP (8:46), plus WU and CD
Actual: 6.36 mi, 1:02:27
Paces: 8:49, 8:45, 8:44, 8:43, 8:38, 8:43, 8:53, 8:43
Cross Training: TIU Leg Workout

This was a tough workout, but I am pleased with how my paces ended up.

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: 5.15 mi, 47:35, 9:14 pace

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Cross Training
Cross Training: TIU Arms and Abs

Scheduled: 8 miles long run
Actual: 8.12 mi, 1:21:01, 9:59 pace

Scheduled: 3-6 miles easy
Actual: 3.17 mi, 32:26, 10:14 pace

Overall, a pretty good week! I got my runs and some solid cross training in!

Total Miles: 27.30
Total January Miles: 67.78
Miles to Goal (1,270): 1,202.22 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Training recap week of 1/9

Remember last week when I complained about the cold weather? Well this past week we had a huge shift in the weather and I ran in shorts on Thursday. SHORTS! I was wonderful. Of course, it snowed on Saturday... so there's that.

This past week of training went pretty well. I skipped Tuesday run because we didn't get home until late Monday night and I was exhausted. Other than that, I did pretty good on my workouts. And I got 4 cross training workouts in! 

Currently training for:
  • Enchanted 10K
  • Princess Half
  • Star Wars Dark Side 10K
  • Star Wars Dark Side Half

Scheduled: Rest or Cross Training
Actual: Lots of walking around Disney

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: Cross training
Cross Training: Abs

Scheduled: Speedwork - 2 miles @ 15 sec over goal pace (9:01), 6 x 30 sec hills, 2 miles @ 15 sec over goal pace (9:01), plus WU and CD
Actual: 6.7 mi, 1:02:53
Paces: {1st set} 8:48, 8:57; {2nd set} 8:56, 8:55
Cross Training: TIU Daily Moves

Pretty please with how the speed workout went. The second set was tough after running hills, but please with how it went.

Scheduled: 4-7 miles easy
Actual: 5.16 mi, 49:34, 9:37 pace
Cross Training: TIU Arms

Ran in shorts! In January!

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest

Scheduled: 4 miles easy
Actual: 4.00 mi, 40:11, 10:02 pace

Scheduled: 10 miles long run
Actual: 10.04 mi, 1:36:26, 9:36 pace

Since we only have like 5 weeks to Princess, I needed to start getting some back to back workouts in. Did 4 and 10 this weekend and felt really strong.

Total Miles: 25.90
Total January Miles: 40.48
Miles to Goal (1,270): 1,229.52 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Training recap week of 1/2

So we are barely into winter and I am already over the cold. I miss running in shorts and I am skip of having to wear a million layers to go on a run. Yes, I am a wuss 😏. But since I have no plans on moving somewhere warm in the near future, I guess I should stop complaining (out loud at least!).

This weeks training was much less then I expected. I was supposed to run the Disney Half this weekend, but it had to be cancelled due to severe thunderstorms. I'll have a full post later this week about everything so not going to elaborate more now.

I didn't do great with cross training this week. I haven't been doing it for so long, I am really struggling to get back into it.

Currently training for:
  • Enchanted 10K
  • Princess Half Marathon
  • Star Wars Dark Side 10K
  • Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon

Scheduled: Rest or Cross Training
Actual: Rest day

I was still off of work so I really should have done some sort of cross training, but I was feeling lazy and wanted to take advantage of my last vacation day.

Scheduled: 3-6 miles easy
Actual: 3.5 mi, 33:03, 9:27 pace

Kept this one nice and easy. I am really just starting to get back to running 5 days a week and don't want to overdue it. I also did a toning workout from Tone It Up, so that was good!

Scheduled: Speedwork - 3 miles @ tempo (8:56), plus warm up and cool down
Actual: 5.00 mi, 46:30
Paces: 9:02, 8:58, 8:34

My paces started a little slow, but they picked up throughout the tempo workout. Felt really strong on the last mile and was way ahead of my planned pace!

Scheduled: 3-6 miles easy
Actual: 3.08 mi, 30:31, 9:54 pace

Kept this one short as I needed to finish packing and had a very early wakeup call the next morning.

Scheduled: Rest
Actual: Rest

Scheduled: Disney World Half Marathon
Actual: Does lots of walking around Disney count?

No half due to weather 😡

Scheduled: 3-6 miles easy
Actual: Rest (lots of walking around Disney)

I completely bailed on this run due to the temps out (only 32 degrees) and I had not brought proper gear for that temp. It wasn't supposed to be that cold, which is why I didn't bring the right stuff.

Ended up not being a great week mileage wise, but it is what it is.

Total Miles: 11.58
Total January Miles: 14.58
Miles to Goal (1,270): 1,248.72

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Goals: January

Happy Thursday everyone! Is it me or has this week just flown by?

As I mentioned in my 2017 post, I am going to do mini goals each month. I think having smaller goals will help me reach my larger goals for the year.

But, before I get into my January goals, I wanted to add one to my 2017 goals. This one totally slipped my mind when I was typing up my list, which is funny because it's one of the ones I really want to adhere too! I went back and added it to my original post, but I'll include it here too.

  • Downsize my stuff. This should really read "get rid of my excess crap". Because really, I have too much stuff. I love my apartment and love that I haven't felt a need (or had) to move in years, but the downside to that is that I am not forced to clean out/go through my stuff every time I move. This means I have a lot of stuff in my apartment. My closets are packed and my drawers overflowing. While I plan on going through my stuff, a big thing I am doing is instituting a "1 in, 2 out" policy. This means whenever I buy something, two thing must go in the donate pile (and stay there). I am hoping this helps me make smarter purchases ("Do I want this enough to get rid of 2 things?"), while also helping me downsize my clothing collection.
In full disclosure, this will not fully apply to my race shirts. I don't get rid of those (as they have sentimental value to me), but at the same time my race shirt collection is out of control. What I am thinking about doing is removing shirts from the rotation and packing them away. Especially some of the older shirts that have already gotten a lot of use. I am also considering pulling all my Disney shirts and making a quilt out of them. Has anyone ever had one made? What company did you use?

Okay, so now that I've shared my last 2017 goal, let's get to my January goals!
  1. Run 100 total miles. This is a gimme since I want to run a total of 1,270 miles for the year. Ideally, I'd like to run more then this in January, but don't want to overdue it in January.
  2. Sleep a minimum of 7+ hours a night. I really got off my sleep schedule in December. I'd like to focus on getting into bed at a reasonable hour each night and actually going to bed. I have a (bad) habit of getting into bed and then playing on my phone for an hour. Not good! 
  3. Focus on following a meal plan and not eating junk. This is a year round goal, but I feel like January is a good month to truly reset and start the year off right. I know this will be tough when I'm in Disney, but really going to focus on this the rest of the month.
  4. Cross train at least 4x a week. Again, part of my annual goal. But, I also know this will get harder once I get into marathon training and my mileage increases. Want to focus on this while I can.
  5. Take 2 bags of stuff to Goodwill. Let's get that closet clean out going!
That's all for this month!

What are your goals for January?